So I have been a bad blogger of late mostly because I felt like I just tumbled through this week, pushing to the end of each day and then being surprised to find I’d ended up in the next. I woke most mornings from one of those deep sleeps where I can’t remember where I am and what I am supposed to do (no, no, I haven’t been drinking a lot…ha). I also have been carrying a bit of a blogger chip on my shoulder. Part of the reason for starting this blog was to share about my equestrian endeavors. But when I can’t ride, for whatever reason, I tend to allow myself to act like a prune. By that I mean, I get moody. Oh man…
Caesar pulled a shoe on Friday and came up lame; lame he was Saturday through Monday at which point he got a new shoe. He was still lame yesterday, and we’re just a little baffled. The myriad foot issues he’s had since September make me worry that maybe his current farrier isn’t the best fit for him so I’ve spent the past two days trying to decide what to do.
Additionally, the pipe opener we had planned on doing next Saturday was canceled due to impending weekend flooding, and I found out that my acupuncturist will be moving to Oregon in a few shorts months. Bummer. While in “woe is me” mode, I played a little game called “If I didn’t have a horse…” It’s a self-deprecating, self-piteous exercise (note the self-ish theme), but sometimes my mind just goes there. So on my list would be
• A nice fancy car; maybe that cute new Volvo coupe
• Subscription to both a steak of- and wine of the month
• Weekly self-tanning sessions
• Bi-monthly pedicure
• A pair, make that 2 pairs, of Frye boots
• A pair of designer sunglasses
• Yearly trips to Tuscany
Seriously… Okay, so not seriously. I would not join a tanning salon, get frequent pedicures or lavish in uber expensive boots. In fact, I don’t REALLY want any of those things (well, to travel again, yes, I do want that). What I really want is a sound horse. But still somehow I do this exercise from time to time, involuntarily it would seem (yes, I can be quite the pessimist). I think the point is that if I had more time and more money, really I would just want to spend it on horsey things. It’s no fun when your pony is lame.
Alas, Caesar was actually sound-ish today. He was a little off to begin with, but after my trainer hopped on him for a few minutes, he got moving nicely—forward and round. We ended up doing some really nice trot work. The lameness is still a mystery, perhaps he’s being trimmed too short??? I just hope it has made its exit.
Meanwhile, we’ve had amazing weather this week—sunny days and no more snow on the ground—what a gift. I made ice cream in a bag with the kids yesterday; it was great fun. On Tuesday, I turned in my first big assignment for my grad class; I haven’t written a paper in almost 4 years, and it was nice to find that I could pick up pretty much where I left off. Of course, I haven’t gotten my grade back… Hope all is well with you! Promise to write more soon.
4 months ago
I have always thought that, should Prima ever have to take some time off, I might like to learn about equine massage. It's something that would still work on your trust and bond, but not require so much physical strain from the horse. Plus it might be fun! Hope he's back in tip top shape soon.